19 Apr 2023

Emirates Post Group extends submission deadline for the International Letter Writing Competition till May 14

Emirate Post Group has extended the submission deadline for the 52nd International Letter Writing Competition until May 14, 2023, in response to the significant interest generated by the competition among both public and private school students in the UAE.

The theme for this year’s competition is – ‘Imagine you are a superhero, and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which superpowers you would need to achieve your mission.’ All students aged between 9 to 15 are welcome to participate in this competition. They are required to draft a letter around the theme in either Arabic or English and send it to the following email address: [email protected].

In collaboration with the Universal Postal Union (UPU), Emirates Post Group launched the International Letter Writing Competition to enhance linguistic skills of the youth in the UAE through the art of writing letters. By using the written word, the competition aims at encouraging children to explore and express their opinions and thoughts on a range of topics, as well as share their ambitious visions with the rest of the world.

For more details on the competition and how to participate, visit https://www.epg.ae/letter-competition/index.html